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New economies


RCF Arena Reggio Emilia, and the C.Volo Hospitality Area are designed to expand opportunities, becoming a magnet for tourism, knowledge and employment and helping to make the most of the metropolitan area’s outstanding assets, to boost its economy, to create new businesses and help existing ones to grow, especially in the advanced tertiary, hospitality and cultural industry sectors.

Systematising excellence

RCF Arena Reggio Emilia and the C.Volo Hospitality Area are more than just a facility for hosting events: they also represent an operation aimed at systematising experiences, a place where activities and relations intersect with opportunities, an open, shared space in which to nurture culture and expand opportunities, with a vocation to promote the metropolitan area at international level.

Development of tourism
and dependent activities

Promotion of the metropolitan area
at international level

More opportunities,
employment and relations